Category Archives: Behind The Scenes
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Category Archives: Behind The Scenes
November YP of the Month
The Three Musketeers opens in a just a couple of weeks. And it's just ridiculous. Like stupid, funny, hilarious. We recommend bringing an extra pair…
September YP of the Month
Fall returns and we're back at work on our mainstage season of plays, which have just been cast. In fact, rehearsals for The Three Musketeers…
August YP of the Month
Tonight we open The War of the Worlds Project, a devised play that a handful of our teens have been working on since June. The…
Drama Olympics Winners – Week One!
Congratulations to... THE LEGEND! The Legend was the name of the kingdom/queendom/realm that took home the most points in our first week of Medieval Summer…
July YP of the Month
We've had two creation workshops for our new devised play coming this August, The War of the Worlds Project, and we're already sure it's going…
June YP of the Month
Our summer show, The War of the Worlds Project has been cast and will begin creation next month, and we're super excited about it. What…
February YP of the Month
It's February, which means we're all in the mood for a little silliness, just in time for our upcoming production of Village of Idiots! It…
July YP of the Month
July is here, kicking off our two busiest months of the year! Of course our summer production will jump into rehearsals soon, and we're tickled…
June YP of the Month
It's June, so The Outpatient Collective is hard at work on our fall production of Atlantis, and our cast is learning their lines for our…
May YP of the Month
Every now and then, a kid steps up and says "Sure, I can memorize that new monologue that was added to the script three days…