Category Archives: YP
Welcome to the CYPT blog, where we’ll post cast lists, stories, behind-the-scenes features, and more.
Category Archives: YP
March YP of the Month
If you want things done right, usually you gotta do 'em yourself. That is, unless, our March YP of the Month is around, in which…
January YP of the Month
For some people, theatre is a fun pastime. And that's great. For others, though, it's woven into the fabric of their DNA, it's what fuels…
November YP of the Month
We love when CYPT kids get to try out different kinds of roles. It's fun to see their range. But sometimes, kids really nail a…
September YP of the Month
If you've been on Instagram lately, you may have noticed the hijinks our Wolves cast has been up to on the soccer field. Sportsing is…
August YP of the Month
Oh my darlings, audition season is just weeks away, and, as has become tradition here at CYPT, our fall show is being written by our…
July YP of the Month
SUMMER IS HERE! SUMMER! SUMMER! Sorry. We're excited. It's been a long winter. Luckily, our summer play is actually set in the summer, so that's…
June YP of the Month
Like many of our young artists, June's YP of the Month is graduating from High School this year, and like many of our young artists,…
February YP of the Month
Happy Snowmageddon, or as we call it in Canada, "winter!" While some of us huddle up in our houses staying warm, our intrepid Peter Pan…
December YP of the Month
And that's a wrap on 2017. Phew. It was a big year for us, with lots going on, envelopes being pushed all over the place,…
November YP of the Month
Somehow it's November, and somehow - just weeks after closing Unity - we're opening our next show in Season 26: All Growed Up, the world…