December YP of the Month

December 4th, 2017

December YP of the Month

And that’s a wrap on 2017.  Phew.  It was a big year for us, with lots going on, envelopes being pushed all over the place, and the closing of our most recent show, Grounded, just days ago.  And what a show it was!  When we weren’t been scandalized by the salty language onstage, we were being touched by the really wonderful performances of our large young cast, including our December YP of the Month.  In Grounded she played the most chipper villain we’ve seen in a while, and it might take a good long Christmas break to get her out of our nightmares.  This young lady always gives 100% to every role she inhabits, and this season, we’ve been so impressed with her comedic chops and dedication.  And who is this energetic, expressive, and especially eager entertainment Einstein?

December’s YP of the Month is none other than,

Parker Feenstra!!!

Parker started with CYPT at the wee age of 15 and has somehow managed to work her way to 17 without any major problems (yet). Parker is often asked how the heck she has done EIGHT shows with this wonderful, amazing, beautiful company and to that she would respond a solid; “I have no idea.” In the past three years Parker has had the pleasure of having basically no life outside of theatre and is very grateful for that. She has been given the opportunity to grow, not only as an actor but also as a person whom she is proud of. Everyday she sees the impact this company has had on her life and everyday she smiles and says a small thank you.  Knowing the small impact she will have on this world, she is so grateful to know that she will be a part of the history of CYPT because, no matter how long it lasts, it will always be a treasured and beautiful place. Just thinking that she got to be a part of that for even a short period of time is so magical. Parker has made friends that have influenced her more than she could ever imagine and she has met mentors that will continue to inspire her long after she leaves.

Parker eavesdrops on Sophi in The Fan, 2017. (Photo by Rob Galbraith)

She couldn’t put into words how much this company means to the kids who go through it. It has taught her more than a school ever could and she has learned to love and cherish everything as long as you have it. Though she is leaving and it makes her the saddest she has ever been, she will be forever in debt to the group of amazing women who will continue to inspire and protect the kids who will become the new CYPT regulars and then leave and feel just as sad as we all are now.

Parker began her CYPT journey with seeing The Lost Prince where, she cried (shocker) and said to herself; “I want to do that.” She had never really considered theatre as something that you could do outside of school but once she knew that, there was no stopping her. At her first audition with CYPT she walked in and shook Jamie Dunsdon’s hand. With that one handshake her life would be forever changed. Richard III, Atlantis, Words for Tomorrow, War of the Worlds Project, Macbeth, This is Not a Love Story, The Fan and Grounded. You may say to yourself, huh, that’s like every show from the past three years and you would be correct. Through one way or another Parker has somehow convinced everyone that she is competent enough to act, write, stage manage and direct.

Parker in Grounded, 2017. (Photo by Rob Galbraith)

Parker would whole-heartedly like to say thank you to everyone at CYPT for making these past three years the absolute best of her life. She will never be able to tell everyone here how much they mean to her and how genuinely happy they have made her. She would not be here without them and she never says it enough but she loves you guys.

She is so glad she found this place and she promises, she will not be leaving as she came. (But in a good way, not a dead friend way)

“Theatre lives on only in the memories of those who share in it. It’s beautiful and sad and awe inspiring but fleeting. And that’s the allure and hokum of it all, its temporariness.”

– Parker Feenstra

Macbeth, 2017. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)

The Fan,  2017. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)

The witches of Macbeth, 2017.  (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)

Actors perform a scene from Richard III, 2015. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)

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