The Blog

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The Blog

November YP of the Month

We love when CYPT kids get to try out different kinds of roles.  It's fun to see their range.  But sometimes, kids really nail a…

October YP of the Month

As we enter our second week of performances of The Wolves, I've noticed our grade 12 performers beginning to take stock in their time at…

Cast Lists – Wayward and Snow White

Thank you to everyone who auditioned for Wayward and Snow White.  It was a difficult round of casting given how much talent we saw.  Please…

September YP of the Month

If you've been on Instagram lately, you may have noticed the hijinks our Wolves cast has been up to on the soccer field.  Sportsing is…

August YP of the Month

Oh my darlings, audition season is just weeks away, and, as has become tradition here at CYPT, our fall show is being written by our…

July YP of the Month

SUMMER IS HERE!  SUMMER!  SUMMER! Sorry.  We're excited.  It's been a long winter. Luckily, our summer play is actually set in the summer, so that's…

June YP of the Month

Like many of our young artists, June's YP of the Month is graduating from High School this year, and like many of our young artists,…

Cast Lists – The Importance of Being Earnest and The Wolves

Season 27 Cast Lists CYPT is delighted to announce the cast lists for two of our Season 27 Productions.  On behalf of the directors, Mark…

May YP of the Month

May's YP of the Month is one of those young performers whose energy is so overwhelmingly positive that she makes every rehearsal hall better just…

April YP of the Month

With just a few weeks away until Cannonball AND our Season Launch party, we're stocking up on Kleenex here at CYPT, because between the pride…

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