October YP of the Month

October 1st, 2023

October YP of the Month

October’s YP of the Month is…

Naomi Krahn!!!

Naomi Krahn is a 17 year old actor here at CYPT, who has worked with them on many productions; the full list of MainStage (or MainStage adjacent?) shows goes as follows, SNOW WHITE, THE NUTCRACKER; A NEW ADVENTURE, ECHOCHAMBER, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, CANNONBALL 2022 (How to Make Small Talk at a Wedding), A LITTLE PRINCESS, THE POISON SQUAD, CANNONBALL 2023 (The Gods Play Dice with the Universe), and she is currently working on the upcoming show SOMEDAY, of which tickets are on sale now! 

She has been doing MainStage CYPT shows since she was 12, and camps and classes since about 8 or 9. She genuinely loves it here and has made so many amazing friends and memories that she can’t believe this is her last year. 

She would like to thank everyone at CYPT who she has encountered in her time here, for fostering her love of acting, theater, and the performing arts. Setting her up to go forward into a life she hopes is filled with just as much passion, theatrics, and general tomfoolery. 

She just wants everyone here to know she loves them, and wishes the best for them. She also knows that all you guys are capable of doing some incredible things someday.


Naomi Krahn

How to Make Small Talk at a Wedding at West Village Theatre in Calgary on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. Written and directed by Annika Keatley, the play is one of seven youth-developed productions that make up the 2022 Cannonball Festival. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)
Snow White at West Village Theatre in Calgary on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. The Calgary Young People’s Theatre production, written by Jamie Dunsdon and Kristin Eveleigh and directed by Valmai Goggin, runs from March 21-30, 2019. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)
The Poison Squad at West Village Theatre in Calgary on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. The Calgary Young People’s Theatre production, written by the 2022 Outpatient Collective, runs from March 9-18, 2023. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)
How to Make Small Talk at a Wedding at West Village Theatre in Calgary on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. Written and directed by Annika Keatley, the play is one of seven youth-developed productions that make up the 2022 Cannonball Festival. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)
Purloin: In the Company of Scoundrels at West Village Theatre in Calgary on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Written by Zoe Bechtold and directed by Mari Wilson, the play is one of seven youth-developed productions that make up the 2022 Cannonball Festival. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)
The Canterville Ghost at West Village Theatre in Calgary on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. Adapted from the Oscar Wilde short story, the experimental theatre experience is directed by Javier Vilalta. It runs from Oct. 20-29, 2022. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)
Much Ado About Nothing at West Village Theatre in Calgary on Friday, Dec. 3, 2021. The Calgary Young People’s Theatre production runs from Dec. 2-11, 2021. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)
The Poison Squad at West Village Theatre in Calgary on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. The Calgary Young People’s Theatre production, written by the 2022 Outpatient Collective, runs from March 9-18, 2023. (Photo by Rob Galbraith/Little Guy Media)

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