Camille Pavlenko
About Camille

She is a playwright and actor whose previous work has won and been short-listed for awards from, amongst others, the Playwrights Guild of Canada, Theatre BC, Ottawa Little Theatre, the University of New Hampshire, and the Herman Voaden Prize. Currently, she teaches the Student Writers Group at Alberta Theatre Projects, where she was also the 2020-21 Playwright in Residence.
Recent plays include The Hitchhiker (Vertigo Theatre), Go for Gold, Audrey Pham (Lunchbox Theatre, Alberta Theatre Projects), and USS ARTEMIS (co-created with Ali DeRegt), asci-fi radio play that uses binaural audio to create a (totally rad) immersive experience. Available to stream Summer 2022 from Boathaus Studios and Vertigo Theatre. www.USSARTEMIS.ca
Camille previously collaborated with the incomparable Kathryn Smith on their TYA musical Vasilisa & Baba Yaga, which was selected for the 2018-19 New Musical Program at Alberta Musical Theatre Company (Alberta Opera).