Audition Opportunities
2024/25 Season Auditions
Cannonball 2025:
CYPT is delighted to be returning to the stage for the 2024/25 Season, and is holding auditions for our 10th annual Cannonball! Festival, featuring the following seven shows:
Written and Directed by Lexi Gamache
123 days after a catastrophic meltdown, Dolya returns to the heart of the disaster — a place heavy with ghosts of the past. With each step deeper into the ruins that he once abandoned, memories resurface, blurring the line between what once was and what remains. Haunted by loss and guilt, Dolya retraces the path that led them here, searching for a conclusion. As they navigate the decaying remnants of the power plant, the echoes of their choices grow louder, pulling them further into the depths. Loosely inspired by the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, One, Two, Three explores the weight of memory and grief of this historical incident through Dolya’s experiences.
Written and Directed by Liz McDonald and Aven Dixon
What happens when a leading gameshow host (for leprechauns everywhere) is snazzy, rich and newly single? He gets kidnapped by a gang of not so threatening pirates of course! Follow Alby as he uses his one talent to help out these pirates and save himself from having to walk the plank. There will be love, heartbreak, revenge, and more! But Alby is always willing to take a shot, or, A Pint At Love!
Written and Directed by Viktor Clayton
Does everything happen for a reason? Is fate guiding your every step, or are we just lost in the chaos of life? What if the answers you’re seeking lie within your own heart? Felix finds himself in a mysterious mountain village, drawn by forces he doesn’t understand. With nothing but 40 shillings, a train ticket and a dream of starting a new life, he is determined to open a potion shop. As he settles into this strange place, he quickly forms connections with those around him, discovering both friendship and love in unexpected places. But when dark forces begin to threaten the village, Felix must confront his fears and decide whether he will risk everything for the people he’s come to care for—or let it all slip away.
Written by Annika Keatley and Directed by Maeve Baker
Longtime friends Shawn, Jessica, Todd, and Ruth celebrate their recent graduation with a trip to the woods. Equal parts resolute and inept, the group must brave the outdoors as darkness falls and they become hopelessly lost. Noises in the dense thicket turn sinister; a storm looms on the horizon. Something isn’t right about these woods. The question is, what?
Written and Directed by Kate Hall
Forgetting You… you? Is it even possible to forget someone? If it is, what pain must you endure? I mean it couldn’t be easy, especially to forget someone who was everything when you felt like nothing. Sixteen year old Liz Johnson is trying to figure out exactly that. Is forgetting someone even possible? We follow her as she walks down the unknown path of trying to forget her first love. She uncovers truths about her past relationship she couldn’t see before – opening her eyes to the truth of the boy she once loved. But will this help her overcome their past? Or will it only leave her trapped in the darkness of the memories she can’t stop replaying?
Written and Directed by Anisa Kazi and Dan Whyte
When three troubled teens are sent to the infamous Camp Willow, they’re told a folklore legend that is twisted into a terrible tale of a monster who embodies the path they’ve been afraid to walk their entire lives. Robin, steadfast in her ways, is determined to resist her counselor Aiden’s so-called help, and as camp goes on and secrets begin to unravel she starts to believe that the monster isn’t just some story.
Created by Donovan Jones and Oliver Vincze, and Written and Directed by Donovan Jones
The annual Beauty Pageant is on in Sunbrook, a town divided by wealth. Henry, an optimistic boy from a poor family, dreams of getting rich with his best friend, George. Together, they try different schemes to make their fortune. They meet Annabelle, the daughter of one of the town’s richest families, who is tired of her perfect life and forced to compete in the pageant each year. The three of them team up to uncover Sunbrook’s secrets and bridge the gap between the rich and poor. Through music and dance, they face challenges and opposition at every turn. Can they succeed, or will the pressure tear them apart?
When are the auditions? February 6th, 7th, and 9th
Where are the auditions? Auditions will be held at 1703 1st Street NW
Who can audition? Youth age 8+. No experience necessary.
How do I audition? Follow the simple 4 Step Process below! Please find, prepare (rehearse and memorize), and be prepared to perform for us a short monologue approximately 1-2 minutes in length. This could be a monologue you find online or it could be from a play. If you are interested in auditioning for Beauty Pageant, please prepare a short excerpt from a song. You may bring in a recording to sing along with, or we can pull up a track for you.
Is there a fee? There is no fee to participate in the Cannonball! Festival.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us at cannonball@cypt.ca
Mainstage auditions are concluded for the 2024/25 season. Stay tuned for our season launch at the end of May!
Step 1: Get Informed
Rehearsal Schedules
The first step is to make sure you can actually BE in a play. CYPT requires performers to be available for all performances; by auditioning, you are confirming availability for both rehearsals and performances.
Casting Considerations
Here at CYPT, we are making an effort to give full disclosure about what you might expect if you were cast in one of our shows so that you can make an informed choice before auditioning, but of course it is difficult to anticipate every question or consideration that might arise, so if you have any concerns, questions, limitations, or comfort levels you’d like us to consider when casting (especially as it pertains to gender, content, ability needs, etc.) please let us know in the audition form or contact us directly.
Prepare for Your Audition
Please find, prepare (rehearse and memorize), and be prepared to perform for us a short monologue approximately 1-2 minutes in length. This could be a monologue you find online or it could be from a play. If you are interested in auditioning for Beauty Pageant, please prepare a short excerpt from a song. You may bring in a recording to sing along with, or we can pull up a track for you.
Step 2: Choose an Audition Slot
Step 3: Fill Out Audition Form
Step 4: Prepare Your Audition
Preparing an audition is fun! Never auditioned before? Have no fear! We at CYPT know that many kids have their first auditions with us, so we work hard to make the experience fun, relaxed, and creative as possible.
For this audition:
Please find, prepare (rehearse and memorize), and be prepared to perform for us a short monologue approximately 1-2 minutes in length. This could be a monologue you find online or it could be from a play. If you are interested in auditioning for Beauty Pageant, please prepare a short excerpt from a song. You may bring in a recording to sing along with, or we can pull up a track for you.
Here’s what will happen at this audition:
- You’ll arrive at The Unitarian Church of Calgary and wait in the lobby until we come to get you
- You’ll join our directors in the audition room, where you will perform your monologue for us
- We might get you to do your monologue again, but with some new directions for us. The directions could be anything from “try it again, but this time like a super villain!” to “this time, I want you to do the monologue as if you want the character you are talking to to leave the room.
- We will have you do some cold reads of some sides (scenes) from the plays
- Then we’ll ask if you have any questions, and if not, that’s it! Your audition is done!
Audition Tips and Tricks
Never auditioned before?
Have no fear, it’s not as scary as you might think!
Below you’ll find a few tips for a successful audition.
What to Prepare
Every audition is a bit different. Find out from the company you are auditioning for what they would like you to prepare. Some things you may be asked to submit, bring, or prepare:
- A headshot – this is a photograph (usually 8”x10”) of your upper body. This will help them remember you when they’re finished auditions. (you don’t need to bring us a physical copy – just submit the form!)
- A resume – this is a list of your previous performance experience, performance training, and special skills (including accents you can do or odd talents like basketball juggling or kitten whispering). It doesn’t need to be fancy, and believe it or not, your weird special skills might come in handy! (you don’t need to bring us a physical copy – just submit the form!)
- A monologue – a short scene performed by one person. If they ask you to prepare a monologue, they usually want you to find a monologue from a play, memorize it, make some bold character choices, and perform it. Don’t bring your paper up on stage with you, but keep it in your pocket so you can look at before you go into the audition room.
- A side – this is a scene from the play you are auditioning for. If they ask you to prepare a side, they will send it to you by email or ask you to pick it up so that you can rehearse it in advance. Most actors like to memorize their side or at least get to know it very well, but unlike a monologue, you can bring the side with you on stage.
- A song – if you are auditioning for a musical or play with a live band, they might ask you to sing or play a song. Find a song that shows off your vocal range or instrument of choice.
- A dance or movement piece – a very physical theatre piece or musical may require you to show off your physical skills. Be bold, but do your best to show off YOUR skills.
What to Wear
Wear comfortable clothing that you can move in, but that is clean and professional. This is like a job interview (but more fun). No need to wear costumes or bring props, but if you really want to bring a prop for your monologue (something simple like a cell phone that you need to make the scene make sense), feel free.
What to Expect in the Room
Once you are ushered into the audition room, you will be introduced to the director, assistant director, and perhaps the stage manager or producer. At this time, they may ask you to sit down and have a quick chat about you. Have no fear, they just want to get to know you a bit.
TIP: Be yourself. Don’t try to impress or pretend, but stay positive and polite.
After that, you will be asked to perform your audition. It might be a monologue or a piece they’ve asked you to prepare in advance.
TIP: take a second and breathe before starting your audition. Get comfortable. Don’t rush yourself!
TIP: Does your character in the monologue talk to another character? If so, imagine that character is sitting right next to the director. That way, they can see your eyes but you also aren’t staring the director in the eye which can feel a bit uncomfortable!
TIP: After you complete your audition, the director may give you some direction and ask you to do it again. Do your best to incorporate this suggestion into your second performance, no matter how wacky or wrong it may seem. The director wants to know if you can take direction!
Next, you may be thanked and welcomed to leave. If so, great! They’ve seen everything they needed to see from your audition!
It’s also possible they may ask you to do a “cold read,” at which time they might give you a page from the play you are auditioning for and ask you to do a read of it on the spot. It means they are wondering if you are right for that character or for a character similar to it, so take a quick moment to read over it, make a bold character choice, and go for it! It’s your first time reading it, and they know that, so don’t apologize if you make a mistake. Have fun!
In some auditions, you may be asked to get up on your feet and move around with other actors, or show off your singing and dancing skills. Usually, you will know in advance if this is what they are asking.
The director WANTS you to succeed! They are hoping you will be the perfect person for a role!
If something doesn’t make sense, ask a question! This isn’t a test, it’s a chance for a few people to get to know how each other work.
Above all, remember to have fun! Even the best actors don’t get cast in every play, so knowing that, you can relax and just enjoying performing!