Viktor Clayton

About Viktor

Viktor Clayton is Alberta based actor born and raised in Calgary. Recently you could have found him performing in many CYPT productions such as “A Little Princess”, real boi, The Poison Squad or WHIMSY. Or you may have seen Viktor recently act in StoryBook Theatre’s production of MisCast (a fundraising event to raise money for SBT’s Ellie Tims Project, whose mantra is to “Never say no to a Child,” allowing everyone to participate in Theatre School Programming). Viktor has also worked behind the scenes in multiple CYPT productions including being the publicist for CLUE JR. & The Poison Squad or when he wrote and directed his original play MAGIC! Viktor has been training his acting skills for as long as he can remember from a wide range of drama programs and classes. For fun, Viktor acts (obviously), snowboards and plays golf! He would like to thank everyone who had put effort into making Sasaquach Sally possible and his family and friends!