Sarah Barker
About Sarah

I am a 20-year-old emerging theatre artist going into my final year of study at the University of Lethbridge for a BFA in the Dramatic Arts with a little over a decade of performance experience. Starting at the age of 10, she grew up performing with the Youth Singers of Calgary. Having the opportunity to share the joy of music across the city for seven years alongside abroad on tours to Disneyland, Croatia, Italy, and Spain. During her time in post-secondary, Sarah has taken an interest in children’s theatre after playing the title role in her university’s production of The Little Prince this February. From this role, she learned about puppetry, voice acting, clown and physical theatre. Sarah can also be found backstage if not onstage, with her most recent credit being sound board and follow spot operator for Front Row Centre Player’s Kinky Boots. Directing is a new pursuit for Sarah, as she excitedly prepares to assistant direct Elf the Musical at Lethbridge’s New West Theatre this December. When not in the theatre, she can be found spreading magic across the city with YYC Princesses as a princess entertainer, spending time outdoors, or hanging out with her friends, family, and dog Bowdy!