Charlotte Nixon
About Charlotte
Charlotte Nixon’s love of teenage drama inspires her to write plays for today’s modern adolescent. Her published works include: Silver’s Secret, Bippity Bobbity BAAM, Itsy Bitsy: Trial of an Eight Legged Washout, The Divine Bovine, One Bad Apple: The Queen, Snow White and the Evil Red Delicious, and Under the Bed: A Fanciful Adventure with Bed Bugs, Dust Bunnies, Broken Toys, Monsters and Mismatched Socks.
In addition, she has written commissions for StageWest Kids, Alberta Dance Theatre, Calgary Young People’s Theatre, SideNote Theatre, and Goodger-Pink Family Theatre. Charlotte is a member of the Alberta Playwright’s Network and a member of the Playwrights Guild of Canada. She is also a two time recipient of the University of Lethbridge’s Gushul writers residency and a winner in the 2018 East Valley Children’s Theatre Playwright’s Competition held in Mesa, Arizona. In 2021, she was awarded a C3-Air writer’s residency at the Caetani Cultural Centre in Vernon, BC.
In addition to her writing experience, Charlotte has over 14 years of providing theatre experiences for young people. She earned a BFA (Dramatic Arts) and BED (honours) from the University of Lethbridge, and recently finished her MED in Community Learning at the University of Calgary. She currently teaches high school English and Creative Writing at Calgary Academy.
Charlotte is always interested in speaking with students, teachers, and theatre folk that are performing her plays about her experience as an actor, director, designer, filmmaker and playwright. Follow Charlotte on Instagram @c.jnixon