Brianna Johnston
About Brianna

Brianna is thrilled to be back working with the fab folks at CYPT! An alum of the program herself, she’s always thrilled to come work with our next generation of young artists. For CYPT, she co-directed (and fight directed) Peter Pan as well as fight directing many other shows: Clue, The Poison Squad, real boi, Runs in the Family, The Nutcracker, Snow White, Wayward, Grounded, The Incredible Speediness of Jamie Cavanaugh, Macbeth, The Three Musketeers, and at least one show in every Cannonball Festival since 2017. Some other recent favourite fight direction credits include: The Extractionist (Vertigo), Richard III (Shakespeare Co), All I Want for Christmas (Lunchbox), The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (ATP), and GIANT (Ghost River). Thanks and love to Logan for all his support!