Behavior Waiver

Behavior Waiver

Students will be asked to sign the waiver at the bottom of this document on the first day of camp.  Please review our rules with your tiny humans in advance of camp so that the fun can begin!





NORTH: Unitarian Church                           1703 1st Street NW

SOUTH: Riverbend Community Centre         19 Rivervalley Dr. SE

  1. WHAT TO BRING AND WEAR: Students should wear running shoes and comfortable clothing that they can move around in easily. Classes often contain floor work so skirts are NOT advisable. Please bring a water bottle, sunscreen, a hat, insect repellant and any other personal belongings your child may need. Games and toys should be left at home. Cell phones need to be turned off during class time and stored away in backpacks or jackets.
  2. CAMP TIMES: Half-day camps run from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM; Full Day and Two Week camps run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
  3. PRE & POST-CARE: Our supervised PRE-CARE program runs from 7:30- 8:45 AM, and our POST-CARE program runs from 4:00- 5:30 PM. PRE and POST-CARE costs $3.00 per session and may be paid on a day-to-day basis or at the end of the camp week. If a parent drops off their child unaccompanied any time prior to 7:30 AM, Calgary Young People’s Theatre is not responsible for them. Likewise, if a child is not registered in the POST-CARE program, Calgary Young People’s Theatre is not responsible for them. After 5:30PM, a $5.00 supervision fee will be charged for every 15 minutes the child remains in our care. Registration for PRE and POST-CARE can be made at the time of camp.
  4. LUNCHTIME: Part of the supervised lunch period (12:00-1:00pm) will be spent outdoors, weather permitting. Snacks and lunches are available for purchase from our concession stand. CYPT will be offering parents the option of paying for their child’s lunch and snacks in advance. Simply phone or e-mail us to learn more or to sign up. For a complete list of our Lunch and Snack Program menu, please visit our website. Microwaves are also available if your child wishes to heat up their lunch. Due to a number of allergies, we ask that you refrain from bringing products that contain nuts. If your teenagers would like to leave the supervised areas during lunch you need to sign the permission form available at

Half-Day Camp Performances occur at 11:45am on Fridays! Parents are encouraged to join their child for a picnic lunch at 11:15am that day.
Full-Day Performances occur at 3:00pm on Fridays!
Two Week Teen Performances occur at 3:00pm on the second Thursday of the two week camp.
Teen Improv Camp North Performance occurs on July 10th – Time TBD (Evening Performance)
Teen Improv Camp South Performance occurs on August 14th – Time TBD (Evening Performance)
Not Buying It! Camp Performances occurs on July 17th and July 24th – Times TBD (Evening Performances)
Stage Make Up Camp Performance occurs on August 14th at 3:00pm.

  1. ABSENTEEISM: If your child will be late or absent on any day, PLEASE call our the CYPT office at 403-242-7118 x.1 OR Kristin Eveleigh at 403-612-3667 OR Jamie Dunsdon 403-629-1053.
  2. EMERGENCIES: In the event of an emergency, concerns or special issues, please speak with any of our staff. They will be happy to help you or direct you to someone who can.
  3. MEDICAL INFORMATION: It is imperative that you tell us of any medical concerns for your child. This should have been done at the time of registration, but if there is an existing condition we need to be aware of, please call our office before classes begin (403-242-7118 x.1). All of your information is collected for safety reasons, and is strictly confidential.
  4. BEHAVIOUR – A THREE STEP PROCESS: Although Calgary Young People’s Theatre is a great place to ACT, it is not a place to ACT OUT. We expect all participants in our programs to be respectful of the Instructor, as well as the other students and the building in which they are participating. Any child repeatedly displaying inappropriate behaviour will first be given a verbal warning to improve. Should the inappropriate behaviour continue, we will call the student’s parent to discuss the situation. If, after the warning and discussion, there is no improvement in the child’s behaviour, they will be asked to leave the program. There will be no refund.
  5. WAIVER: Calgary Young People’s Theatre Society is responsible for reasonable care and diligence in carrying out its duties. However, the undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Society, its employees, agents or other persons for whom it is in law responsible, will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by the child from any cause whatsoever including but not limited to loss or damage as a result of accident, injury, sickness or disease or for any loss or damage to any property belonging to the child or the undersigned.
  6. MEDIA/PHOTO RELEASE: From time to time during the course of the programs, Calgary Young People’s Theatre will be taking pictures and/or videos of the classes and productions – both group and individual shots. These shots/videos will be used for company and promotional use only. In signing below, you will be giving permission to Calgary Young People’s Theatre for this.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our office 403.242.7118 x1. We hope that you enjoy the SURVIVAL SUMMER 2015 Drama Camps!

I hereby understand and agree to the above items, and will adhere to the Calgary Young People’s Theatre principles to the best of my ability.



_____________________ ____________________________________  _______________

Parent Signature                          Child Signature                                         Date


(Child MUST read behaviour section)