Step Three
Step Three
Step Three
Send us your headshot and resume! This step is optional but highly recommended.
Please upload your performance resume and headshot directly to our dropbox HERE or email them as attachments directly to admin@cypt.ca
What is a performance resume?
A performance resume is a list of plays you’ve been performed in (including what role you played, where it was performed, and who the director was) as well as any other performance skills you might have (eg. juggling, singing, musical instruments, classes you’ve taken).
If you’ve never been in a play, that’s okay! Maybe this will be the first one!
What is a headshot?
A headshot is a colour photograph of the performer, usually from the belly-button up. It’s not silly or goofy, just a photo that will help us remember what you look like when we are casting. A selfie will do.
Please upload your performance resume and headshot directly to our dropbox HERE or email them as attachments directly to admin@cypt.ca